Wednesday, November 16, 2022


I have decided to learn Russian, Czech, and Italian on Duolingo and Memrise. I decided to know them first because I had formal education in all 3 languages. I had 2 semesters of Czech and one semester of Italian and Russian at the university.

    For Russian I will use classical pen and paper, writing down every new word in a lesson. I still need to think about what strategy I will be using after I finish Russian on the Duolingo website. I'm thinking of finding a language exchange partner to practice Russian, and in return, I would offer Serbian lessons.

    For Italian, I will be using Duolingo and Memrise course that follows it. ( It consists of almost 2700 words so It should be enough to give me a basic language vocabulary.

    For Czech, I will use Duolingo and put all the words from the course into an Anki flashcard system. Anki is the best flashcard app for language learning and everybody should check it out. Also, I will use two courses on the Memrise site for Czech. The first is one that follows a book called New Czech step by step ( I won't be using the book but I think this course is great for grasping some basic Czech vocabulary. The second course is the 1000 most common Czech words ( 

    That is in short my plan for the next at least 6 weeks, We shall see how it goes. I will be making posts about what I notice while learning and general comments about the languages. 




  1. hi, thank you for your sharing. good luck on your study...

  2. Hey! Good luck! I wonder how you're going to make it all. If need any practice for RU and CZ, feel free to write

    1. Thanks. I found a language partner for Italian. I needone for RUS and CZ. Would be cool If you could help me. We can talk on Skype. Add me there


 Week 1 of intensive learning on Duolingo and Memrise     It has been a week since I started learning those 3 languages online. There are so...